
Alexander Slyadnev about main problems of business in Kuzbass and Russia

2024-02-16 12:11
On February 15 in Kemerovo the next eighth congress of the Union «Kuzbass Chamber of Commerce and Industry» was held, where the key problems of the regional business were discussed.

50 delegates nominated by the member organizations took part in the congress. Among them the Union partners and authorities: Deputy Chaiman of the Parliament of Kuzbass Yuriy Skvortsov, Minister of Economic Development Konstantin Pytchenko, Business Rights Commissioner of Kuzbass Elena Churina.

In the course of the speech the founder of ООО «Kuzbaskiy SKARABEY» Alexander Slyadnev touched on the actual problems of business in Russia in particular, shortage of staff and criteria for determining the limits of small and medium-sized enterprises.