
Kuzbasskiy SKARABEY have attended the forum «Save the Planet for Posterity»

2023-04-21 06:17
On April 21 in the Kedrovskiy Centre for the Development of Creative Work of Children and Youth the VI Regional Environmental Forum «Save the Planet for Posterity» was held. The engineer for ecology of Kuzbasskiy SKARABEY Valeria Shulgina was one of the main speakers of the event. Within the educational platform «The second life of paper» she told the participants about waste paper recycling.

Valeria supported her story about the enterprise with demonstration of the film about paper and paperboard production process. She elaborated on the right sorting of waste paper – what can be recycled and what cannot.

In 2022 Kuzbasskiy SKARABEY launched the second production line to increase the recycling volume 4 times – to 120 thousand tons per year. The environmental effect by this increasing is 1,2 million saved trees. As a whole, for 20 years of work the enterprise had saved over 6 million trees. The plant’s role in forest safeguarding will grow – it is planned to install the third cardboard machine with a capacity 330 thousand tons of waste paper/year by 2029.

Therefore, the total capacity of the plant will be at least 450 thousand tons per year that is equal to 4,5 million trees.