
Kuzbasskiy SKARABEY is choosing a contractor to corrugated packaging mill construction

2023-11-01 13:12
Waste paper recycling plant Kuzbasskiy SKARABEY jointly with managing company Ecoimpuls has announced solicitation of proposals for EPC contract to build corrugated packaging mill on the territory of the new eco-industrial park «Prigorodniy».

The 180 million m2 power corrugated packaging mill project is to be realized on the period 2024-2026 in the Kemerovo Municipal District. Design, supply of equipment and materials, construction and installation of equipment will be subject to a single fixed-sum EPC contract.

The production will be placed on the territory of eco-industrial park «Prigorodniy» being developed by OOO «UK «Ecoimpuls». The new industrial platform borders on the existing industrial park «Zapadniy» whose anchor resident is Kuzbasskiy SKARABEY.