
The young winners of the «Green Marathon» got presents from Kuzbasskiy SKARABEY

2023-05-21 10:46
On May 20 in Kemerovo and in Novokuznetsk the 10th anniversary «Green Marathon» of Sberbank took place, where the participants run the symbolic 4,2 km distance. There were adult, kid athletes and athletes with disabilities – in whole 4 000 people.

The yang participants of the race in Kemerovo got special prizes of the Marathon’s partner – Kuzbaaskiy SKARABEY plant – kid’s constructor-houses made of waste paper corrugated cardboard. Several such houses were located at a play area where could be painted by any kid.

The Marathon turned out completely green – from the corporate colour of the organizer to the ecological format of the event. Thus before the Marathon young trees were planted in Kemerovo, near the new Ice Arena «Sosnoviy». Also a spruce was planted here to decorate it at the New Year instead of cutting another tree annually. All day long in the Zhukov Park people could deliver waste paper to save some trees from cutting. The day after the Marathon 16 000 pines were planted by EKA movement activists in Serebryaniy Bor in Kemerovo.