
Kuzbasskiy SKARABEY employees performed well at the regional chess tournament

2023-04-27 15:36
On April 27 in Kemerovo the regional chess tournament «The Kuzbass Chamber for Commerce and Industry Cup» among media workers and businessmen took place. Two representatives of OOO «Kuzbasskiy SKARABEY» among 36 participants showed decent results.

After 6 tours of the competition which had been hold under the Swiss system and in accordance with FIDE regulations the construction engineer Oleg Zhulenko entered the top 10 with his 9th place and another employee – the cardboard machine dryer Evgeniy Danilin took 29th place.

It is worth noting that other rivals were very skillful including several international masters of sport. The winner of the tournament was Antonina Trofimova who is prominent chess player in and out of Kuzbass.