
Kuzbasskiy SKARABEY has encouraged the Days of Defense from Ecology Danger winners with original gifts

2023-02-17 06:35
On February 17 the results of All-Russian Days of Defense from Ecology Danger were summed up and the anniversary 30-th Days for Defense were started to be held from April 15 to June 5 in 2023.

Well-deserved awards were given to enterprises and organizations of all forms of ownership, mass media, educational and cultural institutions, social unions and volunteers with active civil position for the issues of environmental protection and wellbeing of their homeland.

22 awards were given to the heads of preschool educational institutions by deputy Head of the city, manager of road facilities and landscaping Dmitriy Berezovskiy. Kuzbasskiy SKARABEY expresses its support and appreciation to kindergartens for long-standing cooperation within the framework of the action «Collect, Discharge, Recycle» and handed them over kid’s houses-constructors made of corrugated cardboard.

The team of Kuzbasskiy SKARABEY was recognized with Letter of thanks by administration of Kemerovo for assistance in carrying out the city competition of the Days of Defense from Ecology Danger. It was also recognized with Honorary Diploma for the 2-nd place in a competition of the best organizing committees as the most active enterprise.