
Kuzbasskiy SKARABEY’s representative took part in graduation ceremony of SPС

2023-06-27 12:08
On June 27 in the Siberian Polytechnic College of the city of Kemerovo, graduates of 2019-2023 were awarded diplomas. Among them the students of group 2EM-19 «Technological process automation tools equipping». Three of them have started their career in Kuzbasskiy SKARABEY.

In the graduation ceremony employees of enterprises took part where the guys were undergoing practical training and even have been already worked. Engineer-adjuster of Kuzbasskiy SKARABEY Nikolay Lazarev have been being a tutor for Ivan Smetanin, Dmitriy Davydenko and Kirill Georgiev since Aprill, 2022 and now has given them the coveted certificates of professionals.

Siberian Polytechnic College is not the only one educational institution which students undergo the production and pre-diploma practice in Kuzbasskiy SKARABEY. The enterprise actively cooperates with universities and their colleges. It gives students an opportunity to be surely employed in a modern and stable working enterprise