
Opportunity time for industrious

2024-04-14 16:25
On April 12 in the personnel center «Work of Russia» in Kemerovo the first stage of All-Russia employment fair «Work of Russia. Time of opportunities – 2024» took place.

Kuzbasskiy SKARABEY plant among the enterprises of the region offered job vacancies in a number of professions. Today the plant needs in equipment repair and service repairmen, electricians, paper and cardboard cutters, dryers, forklift drivers. Some positions are available for candidates without experience – one can master specialty of cutter or dryer under the guidance of a mentor directly at the plant.

In addition to decent wages and standard social guarantees Kuzbasskiy SKARABEY offers fringe benefits such as VHI and fitness partial compensation, reduced price meals. If necessary, housing will be provided for non-townspeople.

Several events of the fair were aimed at employers. Minister of Labor and Employment of Kuzbass Aleksey Grishin held a round table with heads of enterprises, where employment quotas for persons with disabilities were discussed as well as measures to support employers in the employment of certain categories of citizens.