
Kemerovo residents started to hand over waste paper more often

2024-02-27 18:16
In 2023 residents of Kemerovo and suburban areas handed over 1 200 tons of waste paper. This is 10% more than 2022.

Percentage of waste paper delivered directly to the enterprise from residents is a little over 1% of the whole volume (120 thousand tons per year). The bulk of the recyclables comes from retail, corrugated cardboard mills, different organizations and independent collectors. Nevertheless 1% is neither more nor less but 60 heavy trucks weighing 20 tons each.

Increasing trend in the flow of waste paper from the population continues during the last 5-7 years. This is the result of systematic educational work carried out in the company. Environmental activities of Kuzbasskiy SKARABEY, industrial excursions, ecology lessons, videos on TV and podcasts contribute to conscious consumption forming. The amount of eco-boxes for office waste paper colleting has been increased to 264 by the moment. The cost of recycled materials also matters a lot - on average 7 rubles per kilogram.