
Kuzbasskiy SKARABEY helped to organize the environmental action for forest planting

3 000 spruces were planted by Kemerovo volunteers of the movement «Gifting Forest» in the vicinity of Baranovka village, Kemerovo Municipal District. 37 enthusiasts including children had gone 45 kilometres away from the capital of the region by bus of Kusbasskiy SKARABEY.

New seedlings joined the ranks of 18 000 predeсessors that had been planted by volunteers two years before at the plot allocated by Kemerovo forestry.

In Kuzbasskiy SKARABEY are sensitive to forestation considering it a manifestation of its own activity as far as waste paper recycling saves from cutting for cellulose huge amount of coniferous forests. During 20 years of operation the Kemerovo enterprise have saved over 6 million trees.