
The participants of the All-Russian Family Council visited waste paper recycling plant

2023-11-23 05:46
On November 23 in Kemerovo the representatives of Russia family business visited Kuzbasskiy SKARABEY plant. Excursion to paper and paperboard production took place within the framework of acquainting the Council members with the industrial potential of the region.

The representatives of family business from different regions not only got an idea of how waste paper is being recycled, but also communicated with the manager of the enterprise. General director Dmitriy Razuvaev told about the specifics of paper production, implementation of a large-scale investment project to create a second production line and shared the plans of development until the year 2030. Business-wide issues of labor shortage, restructuring of logistics chains, new markets access were discussed.

The participants appreciated the level of organization of the production process, employee social support measures to help forming and maintaining an efficient and professional team.