
Intermediate results of the campaign in Novokuznetsk

2024-05-28 07:49
Kuzbasskiy SKARABEY summed up the intermediate results of the environmental campaign «Collect. Deliver. Recycle».

In Novokuznetsk school #52 the results were summed up of for the first stage of the environmental campaign «Collect. Deliver. Recycle» organized by Kuzbasskiy SKARABEY plant supported by the Committee for the Protection of the Environment and Natural Resources of Novokuznetsk.

By the end of the school year, the leaders in terms of the number of delivered waste paper among schools are Lyceum #104 (2,7 tons), Gymnasium #44 (2.09 tons), Middle school #4 (1,89 tons) and Gymnasium #32 (1,75 tons). In total, from January to May 42 tons of waste paper were sent to recycling including 25,4 tons from schools, 3,2 tons from social protection establishments, 9,4 tons from cultural institutions. Over 3 tons of recyclables was received by pre-school educational institutions as well.

The second stage of the campaign will start simultaneously with a new school year, since September, and will last until December 2024. On New Year’s Eve the solemn awarding of the leaders of the campaign will be held by tradition to present prizes and souvenirs to participants.