
Kuzbasskiy SKARABEY has launched a virtual counter of the saved trees

2023-05-04 12:30
A virtual counter of the trees saved by recycling waste paper has appeared at the website of Kuzbasskiy SKARABEY. Visitors can observe now the process of the Russia’s green riches saving in real-time.

The counter is synchronized with the production. It’s known that on average one ton of waste paper is equal to ten trees cut to get cellulose for making paper and cardboard at pulp and paper mills. Therefore, recycling 120 thousand tons of waste paper per year Kuzbasskiy SKARABEY keeps no less than 1,2 million trees. 100 thousand per month, 3,3 thousand per day, 139 per hour and finally 2 trees per minute. Recall that production works around the clock and year-round.

Until 2023 recycled 30 thousand tons of waste paper (300 thousand trees) per year and had saved over 6 million coniferous trees for 20 years of work. After the second production line had launched the recycling capacity increased 4 times – to 120 thousand tons per year. It is planned to increase recycling volume to 450 tons per year by 2029. Therefore, the environmental effect of the plant will be at least 4,5 million trees every year.