
Kuzbasskiy SKARABEY will support environmentally the «Green Marathon» of Sberbank

2023-05-16 15:43
On May 20 in Kemerovo, G. K. Zhukov Park, there will be the 10th anniversary «Green Marathon» of Sberbank, that will become fully «green» thanks to eponymous waste paper collection activity by Kuzbasskiy SKARABEY.

Every person who will come that day to run 4,2 km distance or just cheer on a friend can deliver waste paper for recycling – an ecomobile of Kuzbasskiy SKARABEY will be waiting at the main entrance to the park.

Partial Kemerovo citizens will not only contribute to tree-cutting reduce but will also become sponsors for the Marathon’s young participant’s special prizes – kid’s constructor-houses made of waste paper corrugated cardboard.

Support young athletes – deliver waste paper!