
Kuzbasskiy SKARABEY has acted as a partner of Eco-Sorting

2024-02-10 13:21
On February 10 at Kemerovo State University an event took place called Eco-Sorting. It was initiated by the All-Russian Public Organization of Environmental Volunteers «Do it!» in conjunction with the project «Green League» and volunteers of the student environmental squad.

The event was attended by schoolchildren and citizens, volunteers and school environmental activists from Kemerovo School №95 and Liceum №23.

Within the frames of the event presentations of eco-projects, charity events, environmental games and relays, master classes and collection of pre-sorted recycled materials took place.

It was collected 930 kilograms of waste paper, 47 kg of plastic, 118 kg of glass, 5 kg of non-ferrous metal, 20 kg of textile, 4,5 kg of plastic caps, 11 kg of batteries, 3 kg of teeth brushes. Waste paper was delivered to Kuzbasskiy SKARABEY for recycling.

The main goal of the action is to develop a culture of conscious consumption among the residents of the city, including the younger generation, development of responsible attitude to the environment.