
Kuzbasskiy SKARABEY summed up the results of the year

2023-12-25 12:56
On December 22 in Kuzbasskiy SKARABEY the traditional New Year’s staff meeting took place where the results of the year were summed up and the best employees were awarded.

The founder of the enterprise Alexander Slyadnev thanked the staff for the work in 2023 and told what goals and tasks are facing the plant in the next 5-6 years. He also handed letters of thanks to the best employee, the best worker and the best mentor of the year. Professionals with 10, 15 and 20 years of experience were honored with gratitude for their devotion to the profession and loyalty.

General Director of the enterprise Dmitry Razuvaev called the main result of the staff’s work - completion of cardboard machine #2 commissioning and design speed of 280 meters per minute achievement. The total volume of production on 2 machines up to the results of 11 months amounted to 53 thousand tons of paper and cardboard. The number of employees increased by 50 this year, while the growth of salary was 50%.

Dmitry Razuvaev announced the main tasks for 2024 including output at full capacity, reduction of costs due to active resource saving, expansion of the geography of supplies, staffing completion, maintaining competitive wages by market and industry as a whole, as well as the formation of a housing program for employees.

At the end of the event General Director awarded the best employees with letters of appreciation and certificates of merit.