
Family-style: Kuzbasskiy SKARABEY and KORMZ organized joint corporate picnic for the staff’s children

2023-07-31 10:45
On July 29 employees of the holding (OAO «KORMZ», OOO «Kuzbasskiy SKARABEY») and their children became participants of the open-air holiday on the bank of the river Northern Unga in Sheveli willage.

Creative master-classes, active games, instant photo to remember and a selfie-star – bear: attractions for children of all age and character. The soap disco is a culmination of the holiday. Different pastry, fruits, fragrant kebab and real pilaf in a cauldron – to replenish energy. The organizers did their best to provide guests good mood and energy boost to at least the end of the summer.

The retreat for the employees’ children under 14-years-old is annually held in the middle of summer. This is one of two all-mill events along with a New Year. Traditionally the summer event is dedicated to the Day of the Family of Love and Fidelity that is celebrated on the 8th of July. However, the date of corporate picnic is variable and depends on different circumstances as weather for example.