
Kuzbasskiy SKARABEY will become the All-Russian ecodictation partner for the 5th time

2023-11-13 12:12
On November 13 in Kemerovo the 5th anniversary All-Russian environmental dictation will be held being the biggest environmental education project in the country. As in previous years the test forms for offline dictation will be printed on recycled paper by the partner – Kemerovo plant Kuzbasskiy SKARABEY.

The off-line platform of the environmental dictation is organized by Kemerovo State University supported by Kuzbass Government, the Committee for Environment and Ecology of Kuzbass, the All-Russian Social Ecological Movement «Ecosystem». Registration of the participants will start on November 13, 2023 at 14-00. The dictation will begin at 15-00.

As part of the event, volunteers-ecologists of the university branch «Make!» will organize the collection of waste paper within the frames of All-Russian campaign «BoomBattle». Those who will hand over 16 kilograms of waste paper could get an invitation ticket to the cultural event or promo code at a discount from partners.