
We supported BoomBattle by radio

2023-10-19 13:17
Kuzbass Radio recorded a broadcast in support of the All-Russia waste paper collecting campaign «BoomBattle».

The guests of the studio were the regional representative of the All-Russian public organization of environmental volunteers «Do it!» Anna Sarsatskaya (Campaign coordinator in Kuzbass) and Deputy General Director for PR of Kuzbasskiy SKARABEY Evgeniy Aleksandrov.

During the conversation with broadcaster Olga Kadnikova the aim and the course of campaign were discussed and besides the other initiatives to promote separate collection of municipal solid waste.

Recall that Kuzbasskiy SKARABEY became the official logistics partner of the campaign in Kemerovskaya region – the enterprise will take out and recycle all collected paper.

BoomBattle campaign will continue to November 15. Anyone can take part in it. The details are on the website: https://бумбатл.национальныепроекты.рф